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Non Invasive Hyaluronic Acid Filler Treatment

Hyaluron pen treatment is one of the latest trends when it comes to improving the looks of skin and lips. It is an easy and safe way to put some Hyaluronic Acid into one’s body.

If you shy away from needles this could be the answer, For people who have a needle phobia and are looking to Plump Lips, Cheeks and reduce the depth of Lines and Wrinkles no needle Hyaluronic Filler Pen treatment is an affordable pain free option. Filler with the needle can be very painful. There is bleeding and bruising involved not to mention the trauma to the skin from the needle can actually cause scar tissue!

How Does it Work?

Hyaluron Pen is a rather simplistic device that generates enough pressure to launch Hyaluronic acid mixture into human skin. It is a device of transferring Hyaluronic Acid that is pretty vital when it comes to antiaging and beauty into human skin.The Hyaluron pen was introduced as an easy and safe means to administer insulin to diabetic patients. As a result, the hyaluron pen may not achieve the full desired plump or shape that existing injectable services can offer due to its intended design.


Hyaluron Pen Vs needle filler injections?


Needle fillers are injections that can have a large effect on the overall look of the human face. The thicker the filler is, the deeper it is injected and the larger and usually also permanent the effect is. When it comes to Hyaluron Pen the fillers that can be used are more liquid less dense and can only be inserted to the upper layer of dermis – Papillary dermis by a pressurized pen, not a syringe

In which cases can be used?

HYALURON PEN can be effectively used in the following treatment procedures:


Lips, nasolabial lines, marionette lines, 11 lines, forehead wrinkles


Mesotherapy and biorevitalization


Lip Augmentation


Face Contour


Lip Augmentation

$ 250 .00

Smile Lines

$ 150 .00

Marionette lines

$ 200 .00


A natural sugar found in the human body, hyaluronic acid is the most hydrating substance in the world. It’s function is to attract water and keep skin hydrated, plump and youthful. As the human body creates Hyaluronic Acid naturally it is impossible to be allergic to it.
As we age, the body decreases the amount of Hyaluronic Acid and collagen fibers. They dry up and become thinner, resulting in loss of hydration and elasticity. This causes skin to sag and wrinkles to form.
By adding hyaluronic acid into the skin we revive the collagen and promote a fresher, plumper effect.
Hyaluronic Acid is the main structural element of connective tissue.

No, it is absolutely not like botox. First of all, Botox is not a filler and it is never injected into lips (however, sometimes some client truly believe that it is).
As one should know botox just temporarily cuts off the nerve signals to some muscles and thus limits the movements of those, achieving smoother skin as the wrinkles are now deepened by muscle movement. When it comes to Hyaluron Pen, it delivers very low viscosity, low elasticity filler into lips or facial skin.
Two totally different tools that can sometimes solve the same problem. Is one better than the other? Well, not necessarily. As we all just know, injecting botox can be a way more dangerous, if the person is not an absolute professional who has enough medical and aesthetic beauty intervention background.
Well, nothing is absolutely safe and even a microblading artist can poke someone’s eye out if she is not careful enough. Still compared to injecting fillers (that the safety of Hyaluron Pen often gets compared to) it is totally safe.
Why? Well, the most terrible problems with injections come, as we all know from blocked blood vessels to which an unfortunate treatment provider has injected some filler. For example, filling some large enough artery with thick enough substance can restrict some Oxygen movement to eyes and actually cause temporary or permanent blindness in the worst case. With Hyaluron Pen it is anatomically impossible to inject the substance even close the same way, thus there are no such risks.
With the hyaluron pen, there is no needle involved. The injection method uses mechanical pressure to inject the filler under your skin.
Traditional Botox and dermal filler injections penetrate the subcutaneous layer of skin causing potential downtime with bruising, significant swelling not to mention the pain! Mechanical pressure uses the same technology as an insulin pen for diabetics, the injection itself can be compared to the feeling of a finger prick. The non-invasive method leaves you plump and ready to show off your new look in as little as 24 hours!
After your first initial treatment, you’ll see instant results. Since the HA filler is injected into soft tissues, multiple treatments will be needed to build a moisture foundation. Once you receive the first three initial treatments, HA filler can last up to 18 months. Additional treatments of HA may be necessary following the first three, to maintain or achieve desired results. Each treatment should only take about an hour.

We recommend three treatments 3 weeks apart to achieve optimal results.
With time, the body decreases its hyaluronic acid production and as a result, the lips begin to thin and skin begins to sag. There are now several solutions including hyaluronic acid to plump up the lips. This treatment involves an hyaluronic acid filler without the use of needles or injections. The lip enhancement process involves the use of a Hyaluron Pen to deliver hyaluronic acid into the lips, restoring some of its plump.
The Hyaluron Pen can be used to create volume, shape and lift.

Treatment areas include:

Lips, nasolabial lines, marionette lines, 11 lines, forehead wrinkles.

Perfect for lip augmentations and reducing wrinkles.

The Hyaluronic Acid only reaches the papillary layer of the dermis making this a safe treatment with no risk of occlusion as well as no sharp tips to puncture blood vessels.